I am passionate about a lot of things, foremost of which is helping individuals struggling with sex addiction, maladaptive sexual behaviors, and intimacy disorders. Behind everything I do there is one firmly held belief: every individual has value and worth. The world may attempt to tell us otherwise, but no one is broken.

I focus on recovery from trauma, whether related to addiction, family-of-origin issues or abuse in any form. I believe trauma affects everyone in different ways and requires its own unique recovery process consisting of blending addictions and trauma models together. Every individual has the capacity to heal and move forward on their journey towards health and happiness.

My goal is to take you from pain and the “shadows,” to live joyfully, in full integrity and authenticity. Together we can unlock your self-love, understand your behaviors, learn about your resilience, and make changes in your life.


Lauren Mott, MSC, NCC, LPC, CSAT, MBA received her Masters of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling in 2014. I began my career working with some of the nation’s top addiction and recovery experts at The Meadows, a renowned private inpatient treatment facility in Wickenburg, Arizona. There, I specialized in trauma resolution in the areas of love addiction, love avoidance, attachment, substance abuse, sexual compulsivity, and family of origin issues.

From 2014 to 2016, I worked as a Primary and Lead Therapist for Gentle Path at The Meadows and The Meadows Outpatient Center. Gentle Path at The Meadows was founded by Dr. Patrick Carnes, a world-renowned speaker and author on sex addiction treatment. He authored the first work designed to help sex addicts deal with their behaviors and assess the underlying trauma behind their addiction.

In 2020, I started the journey towards earning my PhD in Counseling Education and Supervision. The degree will allow me to step into the classroom and help the next generation of counselors serve their communities.

Notable Professionals Lauren Has Worked With

·       Patrick Carnes, author of Facing the Shadow & Sexual Anorexia

·       Pia Mellody, author of Facing Codependency & Facing Love Addiction

·       Claudia Black, author of It Will Never Happen to Me

·       Stefanie Carnes, author of Mending a Shattered Heart & Facing Heartbreak

·       Alexandra Katehakis, author of Erotic Intelligence & Mirror of Intimacy

·       Kenneth Adams, author of Silently Seduced

Trust is restored when we learn to trust ourselves and build trust with others. There is no other way.
— Dr. Patrick Carnes, The Betrayal Bond